Our non-invasive, laser light therapy that effectively targets ageing, roscaea, skin tone and more…
Reduce the appearance of unwanted redness, blushing, rosacea and broken
capillaries. Facial redness is resultant from abnormalities of numerous fine, diffused blood vessels located directly under the skins surface. Types of vascular lesions we can effectively treat include: Diffuse Redness; Rosacea;
Blushing; Cherry Angiomas; Capillaries & More
Our state-of-the-art ICON laser system targets stubborn redness to give you clear skin free from blemishes and lesions. Laser beams target broken capillaries without damaging surrounding skin tissue. Advanced contact cooling for minimal discomfort and zero downtime. Optimal results seen after 2-3 treatments, spaced 1 month apart.
The IPL Max G is one of the latest generation of laser treatments for specific skin conditions and flaws. It works to resolve aesthetic issues associated hyperpigmentation and discoloration associated with deeper blood vessels.
Packages and memberships are available.
Is Max G IPL right for me?
MAX-G is able to effectively treat an array of skin concerns.
Before your treatment a consultation and test pactch will be conducted to assess your suitability.
What is Max G specifically?
The IPL Max G is one of the latest generation of laser treatments for specific skin conditions and flaws. It works to resolve aesthetic issues associated hyperpigmentation and discoloration associated with deeper blood vessels.
What is Skintel?
The Skintel Melanin Reader is an innovative way to diagnose skin issues. Skintel determines the average melanin density of the skin quantitatively before energy-based aesthetic treatments, such as hair removal or skin revitalization
What is the difference between IPL and other laser treatments?
MAXG is the Rolls Royce of IPL devices. Clinically proven to solve the most common causes for dull skin
Is the procedure safe?
SkinTel makes for the safest IPL treatnebts available today.
How many treatments will I need?
Multiple sessions produce better results. To achieve the best results, 4 to 5 treatments spaced 2 to 4 weeks apart are recommended. Every treatment will beuild on the one before to assist in lifting, removing unwanted pigment and collapsing vascular lesions.
Can you treat other areas with Max G?
Max G can be used to treat pigmenttion on all parts of the body. Only vascular lesions on the face can be treated